Tuesday, February 19


Last week a co-worker emailed everyone in our office a brief and comical article on time management she discovered while researching for an upcoming training she is presenting in. As I always do with the non-essential emails I receive on a daily basis, I opted to "read it later." Well, today is when I finally got around to  reading the 420 words on how people tend to waste the precious hours of the day and still claim to be busy. It is amazing the effect that five very simple common sense phrases can have when grouped together:

1. You're not busier than everyone else.
2. Society has not conspired to give you less leisure time.
3. You do, in fact, do what is important to you.
4. You can't have it all.
5. The world will not slow down.

I often feel that I am busier than my friends; I believed, until today, that leisure time is something for the elderly; I frequently experience a lack of time to do what I feel is important (e.g. reading, crafting, volunteering, and spending time with family); I have been told my entire life that I could, actually, have it all; and sometimes, I do wish the world would slow down and allow me to catch up.

I feel as if my entire outlook on life has been turned upside down. Okay, that is an exaggeration, but I have been unable to stop calculating all the different ways that I waste my time, when I think I am managing it well.  In fact, on my way home from work today, I really thought about it and I waste about 8 hours a week doing things like sitting on Pinterest pinning a great many wonderful projects and ideas to different boards, but never actually attempting any of them. Or, I tend to take a nap when I am tired, instead of going for a walk or playing with my puppy. Obviously, sometimes a nap is just what the doctor ordered, but more often than not, exercise would be more helpful and productive.

So to combat my masterful ability to waste time while trying to be productive, I have decided to share my creative antics and attempts at DIY projects with the larger blogging world. I should also mention that starting a blog has been on my radar for a couple years now, but I have always found that I was just too busy.

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