Cunningly Going Where Others Have Gone Before
Sunday, April 14
Baked Veggies and Goat Cheese
My first clean meal! Exciting right? Actually, this is a meal I have made many times and in many different ways, but this was the first tim...
Clean Eating - The Beginning
Well it has happened. I have fallen for a "diet" and I could not be more excited about it! Looking back at my eating habits ove...
Wednesday, April 3
Pumpkin Snickerdoodles
I am going to start by saying, I have been doing a lot of extra cooking this week! I love it! Last night, I was making muffins for a morni...
Yummy, Healthy Pumpkin Quinoa Muffins
I love muffins and pumpkins and pretty much anything containing quinoa. So when I stumbled onto this muffin recipe at Fork and Beans , I was...
Peanut Butter and Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Each month at our all staff meeting, someone volunteers to bring a snack for everyone at the meeting. Today, April 3rd, it was my turn to br...
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